Friday, November 28, 2014


The wait is finally over. We now have a 88 second glimpse of the new Star Wars film. Now the real fun begins. The sense of wonderment and excitement of what those 88 seconds have given fans. The Force Awakens indeed.

The STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 1st teaser trailer gave us more than I was expecting. I honestly expected a non footage trailer with a Tie-Fighter or Millennium Falcon flying toward the screen. Well, I was kinda right?

I love this teaser trailer! Love it. It shows a lot without telling us really anything at all. I like how we get a glimpse of the new cast of characters. Because lets face facts, the original cast considering their age should all play second fiddle. In terms of selling the film that is. In the second trailer we'll see them for sure I bet.

So judging from the trailer it appears that the Empire is still in operation. Or are Stormtroopers under the Republic? I'm gonna say no. From the looks of John Boyega's character in that Stormtroopers outfit, I would guess a covert operation went south. So we have another crash landing on Tatooine. Or is it Tatooine?

The planet is probably Tatooine because next we see a new Droid and who I think is the star of Episode VII, Daisy Ridley. In the 88 second teaser we see her character hop on a cool looking speeder. This was my favorite part of the trailer because it looks the most Star Wars-ish to me. Everything from her costume to the speeder reminded me of the classic Ralph McQuarrie illustrations/concept art.

Then we see Darth Arthur and Sithcalibur. Ever since Darth Maul and his badass lightsaber, we can't have a Star Wars movie without that “nerd sword” moment now. All joking aside I am intrigued at the crude design of the Jedi weapon. The image leaves me wanting to know more. Great stuff!

Now for the money shot! The Millennium Falcon doing an awesome evade maneuver. Notice the new radar antenna! It took me more than a few viewings to notice it but it's there. This makes perfect sense seeing that the old one got destroyed at the end of RETURN OF THE JEDI.

I consider this first teaser trailer a success. It made me excited to be a Star Wars fan again. And that is awesome. Cannot wait for the second trailer!

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