Episode VII made me happy to be a Star Wars fan again. Until the announcement of a new trilogy with the original cast, I was ready to retire the franchise. I will always continue to watch Star Wars, but I just got tired of all the pop culture. Quickly I was bored of talking anything Star Wars. Sick of friends telling me what video game was canon and what wasn't.
Long story short, THE FORCE AWAKENS changed all that. I immediately fell in love with the film! The character Rey became my new favorite Star Wars character. In fact, she might be my favorite character in the franchise period! I couldn't wait to find out the reveal of who her parents are in THE LAST JEDI!
Supreme Leader Snoke became my new favorite villain in Star Wars. I absolutely positively could not wait to find out that his true identity was that of Sith Lord Darth Plagueis! I mean who else could it possibly be?
And last but not least THE LAST JEDI was going to be nothing short of amazing because Luke Skywalker was going to heed the call of the Resistance and bring all the lightsabers and lay down a can of whoop ass to his nephew Ben Solo, for killing Han Solo!
Yeah, THE LAST JEDI is going to be awesome!
Well, none of that came to be so the film is terrible and Disney should remove it from canon!
Just kidding,
Now that I have my sarcastic backlash to the backlash out of the way, here's what I really thought about STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI.
My first viewing was not how I expected things to go? I sort of had mixed feelings about the movie after my first viewing. Like a lot of people my (preconceived) expectations were swept out from under me. I was a tad upset but once the end credits rolled I respected the directors vision.
When I got home a friend called me and we we're both shocked by what we saw. I was on the fence, and my friend hated it. Our conversation convinced me that I needed to see it again. Does STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI actually suck? I didn't think so, but had to make sure.
While waiting for my 8:20am showing I browsed the web and discovered all the fan backlash. Some of the opinions were insane!
After my second viewing I appreciated the film a whole lot more and understood the choices director Rian Johnson made.
His bold storytelling made me realize that fan theories are fun but not necessarily smart (or original) ideas. And if you've been following any of the "fan" backlash, then you should know that fan theories are a lot like assholes, everybody's got one.
The structure of THE LAST JEDI is similar to THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, but on a surface level. Both films start out with the protaginosts fleeing the antagonists. The First Order is pursuing the Resistance who are low on fuel trying to find a new base. Finn is sent on a mission to help keep The First Order from tracking the Resistance. And Rey finds Luke Skywalker to bring him back from self exile to fight the First Order and become savoir of the galaxy once again.
That's the best description I can give without spoilers. If you haven't seen the film I highly recommend seeing it. Stop reading and go to the theater and have a great time. Come back and read the rest after you've seen the film. Spoilers ahead!
The most jarring moment that might have "fans" in a uproar is Luke tossing his fathers' Lightsaber over his shoulder. I'll admit, it pissed me off at first. But once we learn more about this "new" Luke Skywalker the scene makes sense. Think of it as a Jedi unlearning what they have learned. Or the way I like to look at it is that are "fans" really expecting to see Luke take on the First Order single handily? It'd be cool for awhile but over time become the new Duel Of The Fates scene from THE PHANTOM MENACE, cool but devoid of any substance or logic.
Another thing "fans" are hating on is basically everything to do with the Canto Bight sub plot. Fine, I won't argue; however, it is nothing like the Prequels or the Dax diner scene. The stuff on Canto Bight does drag down the pace of the film but I admire it's weirdness. It fits in a odd way, but that's just my opinion. It is unfortunate that the Codebreaker couldn't have been Lando Calrissian? That would have been awesome!
Now for the one that shocked me! Rey and her parents being Junkers who sold their daughter for drinking money. Damn it! I really wanted her to be a granddaughter of Obi-Wan. But at the end of the day that wish fulfillment would be too easy. At the end of the day it's a whole lot cooler knowing that in the most popular far away galaxy, anybody can be a Jedi!
And as for the death of Supreme Leader Snoke, sorry suckers! It doesn't matter who he was because he was probably the weakest Star Wars character to begin with? People complained about how similar FORCE AWAKENS was to A NEW HOPE, and the Starkiller Base was just another Death Star, but two Emperors is fine? Give me a break.
At the end of the day STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI is just a movie, if you like it great, if you didn't that's fine too. But this whole backlash thing is getting ridiculous. I suspect one or two things: One, it's just a bunch of narcissistic YouTubers trying to get "likes" and "subscribers"? And two, it's a bunch of narcissistic "fans" hating on Disney?
Looking at the big picture fans of Star Wars and genre films should be glad that Rian Johnson made a Star Wars film that has something to say besides Jedi fighting with lightsabers.